Welcome to Waggin' Walks

Hi I'm Rob and I provide one-to-one dog training and walking services in the Peterborough area that are tailored to meet the individual needs of each dog. As a passionate dog lover, I am committed to providing the highest level of care and attention to ensure that your dog is happy, healthy, and well-behaved.

I understand that your dog is more than just a pet - they're a member of your family. I use positive reinforcement techniques to create a fun and rewarding learning experience for you and your dog.

Thank you for considering my services.

Robert Paine

About Me

Hi I’m Rob and my journey as a dog trainer and walker began in 2012. During my early years as a dog walker, I made it a personal challenge to train every dog I walked, from basic obedience to more advanced techniques. This experience allowed me to gain a deep understanding of dog behavior and motivation.

My love and enthusiasm for dogs has remained unwavering, and I find great joy in helping pet owners unlock their pets' full potential. This passion fuels my work and keeps me motivated to provide the best possible care for every dog I work with.

dog walking
dog walking
At Waggin’ Walks, I understand that your dog is an important part of your family, and I’m committed to providing the best possible care for your dog. My one-to-one dog walking service is designed to give your dog the individual attention they deserve and the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy.

Every dog is unique, which is why I take the time to get to know your dog's personality, habits, and preferences. This helps me tailor my service to meet your dog's specific needs, whether that's a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood or a more vigorous walk and games to burn off some energy. So you can rest assured that your dog will get the care they need.

Full GPS and logs will be provided for every walk alongside any pictures or videos of my time with your dog!

Thank you for considering Waggin’ Walks. I’m excited to get to know you and your dogs and provide the personalised care they deserve.

Feel free to Contact Me for a free 30minute consultation.
Jasper Enjoying Fetch
Stella Having Fun
First Aid
dog walking
dog training
dog training
I’m thrilled to have you here, and I can't wait to help you and your dog achieve your training goals. At Waggin’ Walks, I’m passionate about helping dogs and their owners build strong bonds through positive reinforcement training techniques.

As an experienced trainer I’m committed to providing personalised training programs that are tailored to your dog's unique needs and personality. Whether you're looking to teach your dog basic obedience or tackle more complex behavioral issues, I’m here to help.

I believe that training should be fun and rewarding for both you and your dog, which is why I use science-based, force-free training methods that are proven to be effective. My approach is all about building trust, strengthening communication, and nurturing a positive relationship between you and your furry companion.

Feel free to Contact Me for a free 30minute consultation.
Alfie Enjoying Fetch
Marleigh Loving The Beach
First Aid
dog training
dog walking
dog walking
30 minutes
£ 15
1 hour
£ 20
Get in touch with us and we can discuss your dogs needs and what you'd like from a walk
Dog Training
Dog Training
1 Hour Sessions
£ 30
Drop us a message and we can organise a free 30minute consultation
Our area

Contact Me

Please feel free to reach out to me using the contact form below.

I am interested in

For my

Mixed Breed Others Affenpinscher Afghan Hound Airedale Terrier Akita Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog Alaskan Malamute American Bulldog American Bully American Cocker Spaniel Anatolian Shepherd Australian Cattle Dog Australian Kelpie Australian Shepherd Australian Silky Terrier Australian Terrier Basenji Basset Bleu De Gascogne Basset Fauve De Bretagne Basset Griffon Vendeen Basset Hound Bavarian Mountain Hound Beagle Bearded Collie Beauceron Bedlington Terrier Belgian Shepherd Dog Bergamasco Bernese Mountain Dog Bichon Frise Biewer Terrier Bloodhound Boerboel Bolognese Border Collie Border Terrier Borzoi Boston Terrier Bouvier Des Flandres Boxer Bracco Italiano Braque d Auvergne Briard Brittany Spaniel Bullmastiff Cairn Terrier Canaan Dog Canadian Eskimo Dog Cane Corso Catalan Sheepdog Caucasian Shepherd Dog Cavachon Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Cavapoo Central Asian Shepherd Cesky Terrier Chesapeake Bay Retriever Chihuahua Chinese Crested Chorkie Chow Chow Chug Clumber Spaniel Cockapoo Cocker Spaniel Coonhound Coton De Tulear Curly Coated Retriever Dachshund Dalmatian Dandie Dinmont Terrier Deerhound Dobermann Dogue De Bordeaux Dorset Olde Tyme Bulldogge English Bull Terrier English Bulldog English Setter English Springer Spaniel English Toy Terrier Entlebucher Mountain Dog Estrela Mountain Dog Eurasier Field Spaniel Finnish Lapphund Finnish Spitz Flat coated Retriever Fox Terrier Foxhound French Bulldog German Longhaired Pointer German Shepherd German Shorthaired Pointer German Spitz German Wirehaired Pointer Giant Schnauzer Glen of Imaal Terrier Goldador Golden Retriever Goldendoodle Gordon Setter Grand Bleu De Gascogne Great Dane Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Greenland Dog Greyhound Griffon Bruxellois Hamiltonstovare Harrier Havanese Hovawart Hungarian Puli Hungarian Pumi Hungarian Vizsla Huntaway Ibizan Hound Irish Setter Irish Terrier Irish Water Spaniel Irish Wolfhound Italian Greyhound Italian Spinone Jack Russell Jackapoo Jagdterrier Japanese Akita Inu Japanese Chin Japanese Shiba Inu Japanese Spitz Jug Keeshond Kerry Blue Terrier King Charles Spaniel Komondor Kooikerhondje Korthals Griffon Kromfohrlander Labradoodle Labrador Retriever Lagotto Romagnolo Lakeland Terrier Lancashire Heeler Large Munsterlander Leonberger Lhasa Apso Lowchen Lurcher Malshi Maltese Maltipoo Manchester Terrier Maremma Sheepdog Mastiff Mexican Hairless Miniature Dachshund Miniature Pinscher Miniature Poodle Miniature Schnauzer Morkie Neapolitan Mastiff Newfoundland Norfolk Terrier Northern Inuit Norwegian Elkhound Norwich Terrier Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Old English Sheepdog Old Tyme Bulldog Otterhound Papillon Parson Russell Patterdale Terrier Pekingese Pharaoh Hound Picardy Spaniel Pinscher Plummer Terrier Pointer Polish Lowland Sheepdog Pomchi Pomeranian Pomsky Poochon Poodle Portuguese Podengo Portuguese Sheepdog Portuguese Water Dog Presa Canario Pug Puggle Pyrenean Mastiff Pyrenean Mountain Dog Pyrenean Sheepdog Rhodesian Ridgeback Rottweiler Rough Collie Russian Black Terrier Russian Toy Terrier Saarloos Wolfdog Saint Bernard Saluki Samoyed Schipperke Schnauzer Schnoodle Scottish Terrier Sealyham Terrier Shar Pei Shetland Sheepdog Shih Tzu Shihpoo Shorkie Siberian Husky Skye Terrier Sloughi Smooth Collie Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Spanish Water Dog Sporting Lucas Terrier Springador Sprocker Sprollie Sproodle Staffordshire Bull Terrier Standard Poodle Sussex Spaniel Swedish Lapphund Swedish Vallhund Thai Ridgeback Tibetan Mastiff Tibetan Spaniel Tibetan Terrier Toy Poodle Turkish Kangal Utonagan Weimaraner Welsh Collie Welsh Corgi Cardigan Welsh Corgi Pembroke Welsh Springer Spaniel Welsh Terrier West Highland Terrier Whippet White Swiss Shepherd Yorkshire Terrier


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